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First of all, in case you missed the memo... I am closing up shop effective March 31st. I know, it's sad and it sucks - it's the end of a 14-year reign over the world of Spooky Candles. But frankly, it just got to be too much for me.

The Final Sale frenzy when I first announced the closing was BONKERS. I got nearly 100 orders in the course of two days - each order with at least five products (sometimes ten or more!). It set me very far behind and I have been working diligently to get everything made, while also not burning myself out.

But a MASSIVE THANK YOU for ordering and supporting me and sending me out with a bang! I am beyond touched that so many of you love my products so much and want to support me in my closing. There are still products available, so we're not sold out yet! Please don't hesitate to continue to order - I need to get rid of EVERYTHING!!

So... the process, and why orders are taking me a while to fill. Most of you already know this from Facebook, but just in case... I'll lay it all out.

It took me three days just to make and prep all the labels.

There were over 200 labels for 9oz candles, alone (pictured).

Over 100 wax melt labels.

Nearly 100 for 4oz candles.

And nearly 50 labels for 16oz candles.

I had to order an extra 300 candle jars, 100 more 4oz tins, and three more cases of wax, on top of what I already had on-hand (which was enough for 180 candles).

By the time I actually got to making everything, I was already very tired. Domino's pizza was my best friend during this time.

The first two days were spent on 4oz candles and wax melts. It wasn't too bad. (Like my 4oz candle pyramid? haha)

For the Big Boys (9oz and 16oz candles) my boyfriend and I then had to bring in two large tables we had in storage from a Summer cookout we had last year - they are taking up our entire kitchen, with only a tiny little scoot-space for getting in and out. It took two days just to prep the jars with labels and wicks, and set everything up (I have a grid system I use to set up by color, so I don't get confused)

I could only do the first batch of 150 candles, due to not having enough room for more than that. It took three days. I organized them by candle type (all the Gothic Dreams that were ordered, all the Creepy Carnivals, etc. - rather than doing them in the order in which they were... ordered. If that makes sense)

The next batch of 150 candles took another three days. There was a lot of CBS Radio Mystery Theater to keep me company while I worked for 13 hours straight one night. And more Domino's pizza. I felt a little like a Gremlin at the end of that round.

I was also simultaneously working on the February Subscription box products in the mix. There is just no room left in my house to set up a shipping/packing area at the moment. So, yes, I know they're delayed... and I do apologize. I'm working my absolute butt off as best as I can, and I promise we're almost there!

I also discovered the glorious deliciousness of Insomnia Cookies during this time... and now I'm addicted. Dang it.

It took three hours to make 100 body sprays - that was probably the high point of this entire process so far, haha.

I still have sugar scrubs and body butters to make, so if you're still waiting on an order with those in it (including the Feb. Sub Box) - that's why. It took quite a while for the supplies to arrive (my candle suppliers are always ON it and always ship quickly - the body product suppliers... not so much).

I FINALLY have the 4oz candles, wax melts, body sprays, 16oz candles and 9oz candles finished - from the first order frenzy, at least. The orders that came in after, I will have to do later. But at least the bulk of it is out of the way.

I'm still alive, only I'm very... badly... burned (movie quote, there... I'm not actually burned - though I did splash hot wax into my eye more than once during this process).

If you're a viewer of my LeahMouseVlog YouTube channel, I have been vlogging this entire process - though it will take me a while to edit and upload the videos. Making products is my first priority right now. You can also follow my IAmLeahMouse Facebook page for more frequent updates.

I'm definitely going to need to see my chiropractor once this is all over - I'm a twisted mess of ouch right now.

The next process, apart from the scrubs and butters, will be working on the Mystery Boxes. I needed to get the regular orders done first so that I knew what I had to make for the Mystery Boxes. There are still a few of those left, so you can order one (or two!) if you so desire, for some fun surprise goodies from previous Sub Boxes and regular products that I still have available.

As for the Final Subscription Box... you have until March 5th to order one. I HIGHLY recommend it, especially if you couldn't get your hands on certain products before they sold out. I worked really hard on designing the most epic box to go out on, and you WON'T want to miss it, I promise.

Thank you for joining me on my journey through the world of spooky scents for the past 14 years... I'm sad to leave, but it's really what is best for me right now. Maybe one day I can return when circumstances allow. Thank you again for your overwhelming support. I've loved sharing every moment of this with all of you.

And now I must return to the workshop to continue getting your orders ready. Thank you for understanding and being patient with me - I am but just one humble mouse doing the work of ten people, haha. Feel free to keep ordering until I'm all sold out. That is the goal.

Spooky love to you all 🖤



1 Comment

Sorry you are closing up and I hope you reopen again someday! Your candles have been a hit with everyone's birthday and Christmas gift bags! Thank you for updating us on everything! (Love me some Dominos pizza!)

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